
Cannabis is a modern-day gold rush. Legal cannabis needs testing.

CanLab is a fund that invests in cannabis testing facilities: a largely unknown but critical part of the legal cannabis industry. We were charged with making a video featuring Cannalysis, a leading cannabis testing lab in California. We used interviews, b-roll captured on site, and stock footage to tell the story of this vital part of the legal cannabis process, and highlight its value to investors.

This project was a fantastic challenge, because it involved taking a dense subject matter and making it both clear and compelling in a short space of time. We spent hours in conversation with our clients and on our own research, in effort to understand the product as well as our client and to get just as excited about it, so we could produce those same feelings in our audience. We also performed many hours of interviews to get the soundbites we needed, following our curiosity to get the subject to go deep into the subject matter. By finding an angle that was exciting to us personally, we were able to create a final product that communicated that excitement to the investor audience.



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