Marketable – Ep. 6 – Elevator Pitch: Solving the Video Duration Dilemma

About the podcast

Elevator Pitch episodes are quick-hits featuring one of our beloved hosts opining on something that caught their attention in the marketing world. In this episode, host Jeff Barry explores the varied best practices when it comes to video runtimes, which tend to skew shorter on social media platforms and longer on YouTube, providing marketers a unique opportunity to distill more information to their target audiences.



– Video lengths on different social media platforms

– The unique nature of YouTube’s longer video lengths

– How content creators and marketers can take advantage of longer videos

– The importance of knowing and understanding platform metrics



Takeaway 1: YouTube provides a unique opportunity for marketers to engage with viewers for an extended period


In contrast to other social media platforms, YouTube offers the chance for brands to create and share longer form content. The average YouTube video length is 14 minutes, which is significantly longer than the average length for videos on platforms like Instagram or TikTok. This presents a unique opportunity for marketers to engage with viewers for an extended period of time.


Jeff noted that YouTube viewers are accustomed to watching longer videos, which opens an interesting door for marketing to them: “The fact that viewers are sitting there for on average 13 to 14 minutes tells us you have so much more time to interact with them and try and lay in a story, try and lay in the attributes for a product, for a brand.”


He also pointed out that longer videos are advantageous for content creators, as it helps increase their average view time: “The longer they can make them, the more beneficial they are for them. So what does that mean for everyone? Beyond being a content creator? Of course, there are brands sponsoring content creators and we’re seeing so many brands lean into those partnerships with influencers.”


Takeaway 2: The right content on the right platform can hold viewers’ attention for longer periods


Despite the general trend of decreasing attention spans, YouTube’s average video length has actually increased over time. This indicates that when the right content is presented on the right platform, viewers will engage with it for longer periods.


Jeff explained that brands should consider the unique characteristics of each platform when planning their marketing strategy: “Because if you’re just coming to YouTube with the same approach that you have for an Instagram video, which is going to be 30 to 60 seconds long, you’re missing out on an interaction that could be much longer on YouTube.”


He emphasized the importance of creating content that can hold the viewer’s attention for the desired duration: “The length of a video can be as long as the content can hold it. And how do you know that? You sit there and watch it. You have people watch it.”


Takeaway 3: YouTube’s longer video format allows for more in-depth storytelling and brand interaction


The extended length of YouTube videos allows for more in-depth storytelling and the opportunity for viewers to interact with a brand or product on a deeper level. This presents a unique advantage for brands to build trust and connection with their audience.


Jeff highlighted the benefits of the longer video format on YouTube: “It allows for a longer interaction and for the viewer to hear about what the product can do on multiple levels, multiple attributes. Not just the big top-level things, but secondary attributes.”


He also advised marketers to be aware of the metrics and trends for each platform in order to create content that resonates with their target audience: “It’s important to know these numbers because they can help you. They can help you line up what you’re trying to create for the audience that’s there and the integration, the trust will be there more quickly because you’re creating something for people that they want, because the numbers have told you what it is.”


Insights surfaced

– YouTube’s average best video length is 14 minutes, significantly longer than other platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

– Longer videos on YouTube can be more beneficial for content creators and marketers if the content is engaging and can hold the viewer’s attention.

– Brands and marketers can build trust with their audience by providing content that caters to the specific platform’s audience preferences.

– Knowing and understanding platform metrics can help marketers create more effective content for their target audience.


Key quotes

1. “The fact that YouTube viewers are so accustomed to videos running that long opens a really interesting door for marketing to them.”

2. “The length of a video can be as long as the content can hold it.”

3. “Imagine if you’re a brand and you’ve got a partnership with that influencer and they’re using your product for that extended period of time.”

4. “By being strategic with the content that you’re bringing to a platform, in this case YouTube, you can really gain the viewer’s trust.”

5. “It’s important to know these numbers because they can help you line up what you’re trying to create for the audience that’s there and the integration, the trust will be there more quickly because you’re creating something for people that they want, because the numbers have told you what it is.”